Measurement Conversions

Measurement Conversions

milliliter = 0.6 tablespoons
milliliter = 0.03 fluid ounces
liter = 4.23 cups
liter = 2.12 pints
liter = 1.06 quarts
liter = 0.26 gallons
cubic meter = 35.32 cubic feet
cubic meter = 1.35 cubic yards
teaspoon = 4.93 milliliters
tablespoon = 14.78 milliliters
fluid ounce = 29.57 milliliters
cup = 0.24 liters
pint = 0.47 liters
quart = 0.95 liters
gallon = 3.79 liters
1 pint dry = .55059 liters
1 pint liquid = .47316 liters
1 gallon dry = 4.4047 liters
1 gallon liquid = 4.5459 liters
1 ounce = 28.3495 grams
1 pound (16 oz) = .4535 kilograms

1 footcandle = 10.76 lux
1 lux = 0.09293
lux = 1 lumen/square meters

Celsius temp. x (9/5 + 32) = Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit temp. -32, 5/9 x remainder = Celsius

Table 1 shows volume equivalents for measuring liquids. This can be especially useful when measuring out liquid hydroponic fertilizer or calibration solution, as well as ingredients for beer brewing and wine making.

Table 2 lists equivalents as well as metric conversions for dry measure and weight. Such measurements are used when working with bulk fertilizer components for horticultural use in a grow room or greenhouse.

Table 3 helps determine metric conversion for both liquid and dry measure, as well as volume, distance, and area. Use these conversions when designing your square foot garden or shopping for the best hydroponic system for your space.

Table 10 can assist in determining correct application rates of fertilizers based on the concentration of certain elements (NPK) and the desired parts per million.

Table 13 shows the parts per million of desired nutrient to ounces of fertilizer carrier in 100 gallons of water.

Table 14 explains how to convert electrical conductivity (EC) units for use with testing equipment.

Table 18 shows assorted conversions that could be useful when calculating amounts and concentrations of fertilizer needed for your traditional or hydroponic garden. Building the ideal nutrition schedule for your plants is one of the most critical steps in growing a successful garden.

Table 26 lists in detail the number of pots, flats, and other nursery containers that can be filled from one cubic foot of soil mix. Use this chart when planning plant propagation, container planting, or a flood and drain system.

Table 27shows the number of different sized nursery containers, specified in trade gallons and full gallons, that can be filled from one cubic yard of soil mix.

Table 28lists coverage estimates of different types of ground cover and top dressing, such as perlite, peat, topsoil, straw, and other grow media.

Table 37is a temperature conversion chart, which can be extremely useful in maintaining an ideal growing environment in a grow room or greenhouse. Temperature monitoring and control are major factors in ensuring that your plants are comfortable and productive.

For a complete guide of conversion tables, formulas, and suggested guidelines for horticultural use, including making your own fertilizer and bulk greenhouse components, download the full PDF from the
UGA Cooperative Extension, a service of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.