Lighting Hints for HID

Helpful Lighting Hints

Metal Halide (MH)
175 Watt
250 Watt
400 Watt
1000 Watt
2' x 2' (4 sq ft)
3' x 3' (9 sq ft)
5' x 5' (25 sq ft)
8' x 8' (64 sq ft)
3' x 3' or 9' sq
5' x 5' or 25' sq
8' x 8' or 64' sq
12' x 12' or 144' sq
Metal Halide is high in blue light with a 30% boost in Orange/Red light.
High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
150 Watt
250 Watt
400 Watt
600 Watt
1000 Watt
2' x 2' (4 sq ft)
3' x 3' (9 sq ft)
5' x 5' (25 sq ft)
7' x 7' (49 sq ft)
8' x 8' (64 sq ft)
3' x 3' or 9' sq
5' x 5' or 25' sq
8' x 8' or 64' sq
10' x 10' or 100' sq
12' x 12' or 144' sq
Orange/Red light, high lumen output per watt.

Fluorescent Lighting :: Coverage Recommendations

We recommend mounting your fluorescents 2-4" over the tops of your plants.


12" Tubes


For Stronger Light

2 Tubes - 2 Square Feet (2' X 1')

4 Tubes - 4 Square Feet (2' X 2')

For Lower Light

2 Tubes - 3.75 Square Feet (2.5' X 1.5')

4 Tubes - 7.5 Square Feet (2.5' X 3')


24" Tubes


For Stronger Light

2 Tubes - 6 Square Feet (4' X 1.5')

4 Tubes - 12 Square Feet (4' X '3)

For Lower Light

2 Tubes - 9 Square Feet (4.5' X 2')

4 Tubes - 18 Square Feet (4.5' X 4')